Only 1 per cent of people know their loved one’s funeral wishes
Posted by AK Lander | On October 11, 2016 13:58
Recent concerning research suggests that only 1 per cent of people know all of their loved one’s funeral wishes, and 22 per cent knew none of them at all.
Whether you view a funeral as a celebration of life or an occasion of mourning, letting your loved ones know how you would like yours to be carried out is very important. However, recent research by SunLife suggests that only 1 per cent of people know all of their loved one’s wishes for their future funeral. Not only that, but a shocking 22 per cent knew none of these wishes at all.
From the colour schemes of the funeral flowers to the musical accompaniment, to the food you’d like guests to enjoy, there are many elements to consider when planning a funeral. But far from knowing all of this,4 in 10 people didn’t even know whether their loved one wanted to be buried or cremated, let alone which songs they would want played. A staggering 74 percent of people had no idea of which readings and music their loved one would want.
It is only when families come to the point of planning a funeral that they may realise the many aspects involved in giving their loved one the perfect final send-off. Would they want guests to wear black, or come in their regular clothes? Would they want a traditional grave stone, or a more unique memorial?There are many questions to be considered in not only a funeral, but in the long-term upkeep of your loved one’s commemoration.
Luckily, the pressure of planning a funeral can be eased by asking a few simple questions of your loved ones. According to industry experts, having these conversations as individuals enter their retirement can leave families feeling reassured. At first these conversations may seem intimidating, but the likelihood is that the other party has also been hoping to broach the subject. If you are asking a loved one what they would like for their ceremony, consider beginning informally by discussing your own future wishes, before allowing the conversation to move on to their own. To discuss your own wishes with your family, begin by reassuring them that all is well,but point out that you realise it’s best to have such conversations early. Emphasising that you are asking out of compassion is also important – be that the peace of mind of the family or understanding the importance of individuals knowing how they will be remembered.
Remember, deciding funeral wishes doesn’t have to be a burden – this could be a chance to reminisce about fond memories and family traditions, even thinking of fun ideas to make a service unique such as themed dress or special songs. Once the matter of discussing your own or your loved one’s funeral wishes has been dealt with, you can begin thinking about your bucket list of experiences to share and rest assured that the future will take care of itself!