Some things to consider when planning a funeral
Posted by AK Lander | On December 3, 2013 11:32
A sensitive service is important and offers the chance for people to say their final farewells.
The loss of a family member or loved one is never something you will be truly prepared for. The grieving process can make the prospect of organising a funeral even more daunting; however, a well-mannered service is important and offers the chance for people to say their final farewells. If you are in this situation and feel like you don’t know where to begin, this guide could help to make loss that little bit easier.
Finding the venue
Other than finding the perfect memorial gravestone, one of the most important aspects to consider when arranging a funeral is the venue at which the service will take place, and finding the best choice available to ensure that the values of the recently departed are upheld in the best possible manner.
Traditionally, there is of course no better place for Christians than the house of God, and many churches around the country are able to offer a tasteful service in the company of the Lord. Should you prefer the intimacy of a smaller venue, why not look into the possibilities of holding the service in a chapel or small crematorium?
Image Credit: Dewitt (Shutterstock.com)
Arranging the order of service
While you will usually call upon a priest to ensure the service is dignified and respectful, it is important that an order of service is arranged so that the proceedings serve as a fitting reminder of the recently departed. With this in mind, it is important to get together with other friends and family members to make sure that the service brings forth only fantastic memories and celebrates all the great things which helped make the deceased unique.
As the service is a final farewell, why not include sentiments from family members and friends in the funeral order of service?
Choosing a burial or cremation
The funeral planning arrangements you make will ultimately decide the type of interment which will be available to you. While the preferred historical method has always been burials, an increasing number have been looking at cremation in recent years – partly because of the rising costs which a burial can now incur.
With a cremation taking up far less space than a coffin, it is overall a cheaper option, and the storage of ashes are clearly less difficult for relatives and friends to maintain than a grave. However, there are some who simply aren’t fond of the idea of a cremation, and choosing this after the passing of a loved one could be going against their wishes – one reason why it is important to sit down and discuss all options before making a final decision.
It is also a good idea to consider the type of headstone you wish to erect following the service, making sure that the stone is in keeping with the size and style of the plot.
Image Credit: Pavels Hotulevs (Shutterstock.com)